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Foxpointe's Do-Si-Do


AKC# : DN36887403  ASCA# : E183541

ATCH III Bonfire's Trigger Happy RS-E-SP  GS-E-SP 


ATCH Foxpointe's One Awsme Kiss RS-E  GS-E  JS-E


Date of Birth: 5/18/2013 - Full Dentition/Scissors Bite - Weight: 36 lbs  - Height: 18.5" 

No health testing performed: performance prospect only - spayed

Dosey Doe

Dosey was a spitfire from the very beginning. She was a very busy puppy and nothing changed as she matured; not that it was expected based off of her parents. Dosey began training for agility from the get go and we both found that she had a lot of speed to offer. In training and in trial situations, we found it difficult for her to work away from me; her distance lacked despite all of our training for it. This was a common theme which directed many choices throughout her competition career. She had a slightly anxious personality and at times could be a little reactive to new dogs or people. Dosey was introduced to Nose Work classes with NACSW instructor Jo Trent which opened up her world immensely. She loved the game and gained a great deal of confidence by being the one who ran the outcome of the game. As Dosey got older, she was introduced to Rally Obedience. It seemed for a while that competition would not suit her because of her continuous "conversation" throughout the runs (read BARKING), but with more confidence in her abilities, she began to do well enough to title up through the Advanced level. She is continuing to compete in Rally and Nosework as she is now 10 years old and retired from agility due to body limitations. 


With a love for her family, Dosey doesn't need much else outside of them and "work." New things can be stressful for her, though her ability to handle them has gotten better over the years. She's a sweet girl at home and at times can even be a bit clingy. She's not big on change and is weary of children, expecting them to keep their distance from her. Nonetheless, she tries her best and has accomplished quite a bit with the hurdles that were placed in front of her. 









Earns Nose Work level 1 title (NW1) with NACSW

Earns Novice Agility titles (NA, NAJ) in AKC for Jumpers and Standard

Earns Novice Agility titles in ASCA for Jumpers, Regular, and Gamblers (RS-N, JS-N, GS-N)

Earns Open Agility titles in ASCA for Jumpers, Regular, and Gamblers (RS-O, JS-O, GS-O)

Wins High in Trial Open at ASCA National Speciality in Agility

Earns Rally Novice title (RN) with ASCA 

Earns Elite Veterans Agility titles in ASCA for Jumpers, Regular, and Gamblers (RV-E, JV-E, GV-E)


Earns Rally Advanced title (RA) with ASCA


Places 9th overall at the ASCA Scent Detection mock trial

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